Employment Opportunities

    Results: 9

  • Career Development (2)

    Career Development


    Programs that help people make appropriate decisions regarding the sequence of occupational roles or work experiences through which they will move during their working lives.
  • Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers (2)

    Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers


    One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location. Services may include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
  • Displaced Worker Employment Programs (1)

    Displaced Worker Employment Programs


    Programs that provide vocational assessment, job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and/or other supportive services for individuals who are unable to continue in a particular job, industry or profession because the needs of society have changed and the person's skills are no longer required. Included are services for people who have been permanently laid off because of plant closings, outsourcing of jobs to other countries, reductions in the work force, declines in business activities and other factors in situations where reemployment within their industry is unlikely.
  • Employment Related Transportation (1)

    Employment Related Transportation


    Programs that provide transportation, generally by automobile or van, for people who need to go to a job interview, need a reliable way to get to and from work in a timely manner, participate in work-related training sessions or engage in other similar activities, and have no other options. Some programs may work with designated populations such as low-wage earners, older workers, people with disabilities, veterans or homeless families; and other eligibility criteria may apply.
  • Employment Transition Counseling (2)

    Employment Transition Counseling


    Programs that provide information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who have experienced voluntary or involuntary changes in their employment status including termination, layoff, demotion, promotion or retirement; or are ready to re-enter the workforce after time away.
  • Job Finding Assistance (1)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Prejob Guidance (3)

    Prejob Guidance


    Programs that provide instruction for people who need to acquire the basic "soft skills" and tools that are required to successfully apply for and secure employment, and retain a position once they have been hired. These programs provide information and guidance regarding preparing a resume, writing job application letters, completing job application questionnaires, responding to job ads and taking employment tests; offer tips regarding appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques; and address other similar topics.
  • Senior Community Service Employment Programs (1)

    Senior Community Service Employment Programs


    Programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act (OAA) and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor whose purpose is to develop workforce skills in unemployed, low-income older adults age 55 and older with poor employment prospects. Program participants are assigned to paid community service placements with a non-profit organization or governmental entity for purposes of training and acquisition or improvement of skills that may lead to unsubsidized employment or a job that is not subsidized by the program. In collaboration with the participant, the program must develop an Individual Employment Plan, which outlines steps for achieving goals as determined through personal interviews and assessment instruments. Participants may be offered supportive services such as transportation, counseling, work equipment and other items to assist them in participating in the SCSEP and preparing them for a permanent job.
  • Welfare to Work Programs (1)

    Welfare to Work Programs


    Programs operated by state agencies or local jurisdictions that offer employment training and supportive services (such as child care, transportation costs, ancillary expenses and personal counseling) for people who are receiving public assistance through the TANF program in an effort to help them become self-supporting. Private organizations, often under contract with a public agency, may be involved in both the provision of training and on-the-job work experience (including volunteering in nonprofit agencies). Public assistance recipients are required to participate in designated program activities a minimum number of hours per week in order to receive their monthly income support payment and supplemental payments for support services.